渋温泉 外湯 九番湯 大湯

Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan 甲信越の温泉

お気に入りのポイント 泉質・にごり湯・湯小屋・公共浴場・内湯・鄙びた風情

Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan



Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan


Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan


Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan



Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan


Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan

こちらが向かいにある、有名な旅館 金具屋

Kanaguya ryokan in front of Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan


Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan
Oyu, the ninth outside hot spring of Shibu Onsen,Nagano,Japan


泉質:  ナトリウム・カルシウム-硫酸塩・塩化物温泉

源泉かけ流し: ◎

住所: 〒381-0401 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町大字平穏2115

電話: 0269-33-2921 (渋温泉旅館組合)

営業時間: 6:00~22:00 ,一般立寄り10:00~16:00

定休日: 無休 

入湯料:  無料 (宿泊の旅館で専用鍵を借りる)、一般立寄りは500円


訪問時期: 2006月1月(3回)、9月、9年11月(2回)、12月(2回)、10年1月、14年12月(2回)、15年12月(2回)